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Photo Credit | Theo Jemison

about us

[intentional Living from the ancestors]

Zen Ren Inc is a Los Angeles-based design firm focused on intentional living by curating sacred interiors that explore the clients’ rituals and encompass human psychology into dimensional space. Zen Ren Inc activates interiors by incorporating nature and spiritual practices such as visioning, feng shui, and intention setting.

Zen Ren Inc was founded by Residential Designer, Lauren Van Der Veen in 2020 during the height of the pandemic. This was an outward response to a growing influx in new clientele and fellow designers wanting to live and work more intentionally a few projects later the cohorts got into a symbiotic groove…

Lauren Van Der Veen is a visionary with a modern yet holistic approach to design. Lauren is originally from the South Side of Chicago where she studied Interior Design at the Art Institute. After being commissioned to rebuild an estate In Malibu, California she relocated and continued her education at Woodbury University School of Architecture. What sets this designer apart from others is her leadership abilities and her career as a Construction Project Manager for Richard Holz, Inc., a firm specializing in high-end custom homes across Southern California.

Residential Designer, Lauren Van Der Veen and her growing team at Zen Ren Inc have worked on projects ranging from $250k to $20 million. Please feel free to contact us for Bio’s and our portfolio.